Direct European Loans List 100% non-repayable fund

1 4S12T Implementation of production AI systems € 60.000 16/12/24
2 412p Startup product/service development € 50.000 16/12/24
3 4p11s Innovative tourism projects € 30.000 17/12/24
4 4n11a Nitrate/nitrite research in foods € 750.000 18/12/24
5 4s12c Energy investment concepts Municipalities € 60.000 18/12/24
6 4p12g Test immersive platform € 100.000 19/12/24
7 4e12m Support Morocco Energy Authority € 1.000.000 20/12/24
8 412v Internationalization travel support € 2.000 20/12/24
9 412m Transport ecosystem marketing € 750 20/12/24
10 4a12g Vertical applications from various domains € 120.000 23/12/24
11 4a12x New or already developed XR applications € 30.000 27/12/24
12 4p12s SME sustainable transition plan € 25.000 31/12/24
13 412f AEMAM manufacturing SME training € 2.000 31/12/24
14 412if Participation in AEMAM company fairs € 1.500 31/12/24
15 5s1h New open source software and hardware € 50.000 01/01/25
16 5e1m Music ecosystem development € 60.000 06/01/25
17 5c1a Climate change adaptation projects € 40.000 06/01/25
18 5A1x Innovative agriculture solutions € 100.000 07/01/25
19 5F1p Cyber ​​security French SMEs € 150.000 09/01/25
20 5a1y Access to advanced 6G-XR infrastructures € 60.000 10/01/25
21 4s12v Furniture PMI story-telling € 17.500 10/01/25
22 5r1r Researchers at risk € 1.500.000 14/01/25
23 5a1v Sustainable breeding of Baltic Sea mussels € 50.000 14/01/25
24 5a1k Transforming food systems € 200.000 15/01/25
25 5o1d Optimize distributed ledger technologies € 115.000 15/01/25
26 5s1r SME tourism rural areas - no Italy € 6.000 15/01/25
27 5p1k Postdoctoral research projects € 2.000.000 16/01/25
28 5a1r Industrial robotic automation € 200.000 16/01/25
29 5d1p Double transition for construction, textile and space SMEs € 50.000 16/01/25
30 5a1g Jurisprudence analysis of the EU asylum system € 50.000 16/01/25
31 4m11e Redevelopment of disaster areas Morocco € 1.500.000 20/01/25
32 5g1s Industrial internships in Japan for students € 9.200 20/01/25
33 5s1g IT security for large systems € 3.000.000 21/01/25
34 5c1p Interconnection platform consultations € 2.000.000 21/01/25
35 5T1F EU rail traffic management system € 1.000.000 21/01/25
36 5T1T Road traffic on the TEN-T network € 1.000.000 21/01/25
37 5T1n Inland waterway transport TEN-T network € 1.000.000 21/01/25
38 5T1a Facilitate maritime traffic on the TEN-T network € 1.000.000 21/01/25
39 5M1n TEN-T network naval traffic monitoring € 1.000.000 21/01/25
40 5M1M Modernize freight transport TEN-T network € 1.000.000 21/01/25
41 5F1s Interoperability of the EU railway system € 1.000.000 21/01/25
42 5A1M Modernize air transport network TEN-T € 1.000.000 21/01/25
43 5k1a TEN-T network air transport systems € 1.000.000 21/01/25
44 5G1T Transport central and global network TEN-T € 1.000.000 21/01/25
45 5A1T Intelligent transport applications € 1.000.000 21/01/25
46 4v11a Risk assessment of new foods € 3.500.000 22/01/25
47 5p1w Interdisciplinary tourism projects in Italy € 30.000 22/01/25
48 5T1x Innovation in tourism businesses € 25.000 24/01/25
49 5c1s Standardization contribution € 10.000 24/01/25
50 4p9o Involvement in co-creation projects € 30.000 26/01/25
51 5s1z Development of science-politics-society skills € 150.000 27/01/25
52 5r1a Artistic and technological residencies € 50.000 27/01/25
53 5c1b Business for the community, presents results € 50.000 27/01/25
54 5g1g Journalist training for EU journalism € 1.000 27/01/25
55 5a1e Framework agreements to support European networks € 0 28/01/25
56 5m1a Intra-African academic mobility € 1.450.000 30/01/25
57 5a1h Primary healthcare € 400.000 30/01/25
58 5g1e Terrestrial ecotoxicology guide review € 200.000 30/01/25
59 5o1r Research and innovate dual transition € 20.000 30/01/25
60 410t Team of students and researchers € 3.000 30/01/25
61 5s1m Financial support for mobility start-ups € 500.000 31/01/25
62 5c1c Impact of climate change on forests € 150.000 31/01/25
63 5g1a Innovative land and water management € 100.000 31/01/25
64 5k1p Early Warning Innovation Award € 50.000 31/01/25
65 5a1d Development of innovative agricultural services € 50.000 31/01/25
66 5s1u Innovative ABCGPS tourism solutions € 20.000 31/01/25
67 5a2d Open, reliable and safe Internet for all € 50.000 01/02/25
68 5n2g Next generation Internet € 50.000 01/02/25
69 5e2v Local currency ecosystem € 30.000 01/02/25
70 5p1o Offshore wind farm innovations € 5.000.000 04/02/25
71 5n1c New synthetic renewable fuels € 4.000.000 04/02/25
72 5f1o Ocean energy farm technologies € 4.000.000 04/02/25
73 5p1r Robotics and automated construction solutions € 4.000.000 04/02/25
74 5p1p Reuse and deconstruction of buildings € 4.000.000 04/02/25
75 5b1e Integrated biorefineries powered by energy € 3.500.000 04/02/25
76 5p7s Photovoltaic production, use and disposal € 3.000.000 04/02/25
77 5d1e Diffusion of renewable energy systems € 2.000.000 04/02/25
78 5b1p Support for EU Bioenergy plan € 600.000 04/02/25
79 5a2a Textiles and clothing Athens - Rotterdam € 25.000 04/02/25
80 5k2e Innovate & transform EU rural communities € 60.000 05/02/25
81 5d2e Event sector digital integration € 30.000 05/02/25
82 5h3g Exchanges of technical and administrative personnel € 0 05/02/25
83 5c2w Higher education capacity 3 € 1.000.000 06/02/25
84 5s2p Support environmental practices Vietnam € 1.000.000 06/02/25
85 5c2n Higher education capacity 2 € 800.000 06/02/25
86 5c2k Higher education capacity 1 € 400.000 06/02/25
87 5g2z Governance and development Zambia € 714.250 10/02/25
88 5n1o Zero pollution city € 5.000.000 11/02/25
89 5g1m Mobility management plans € 5.000.000 11/02/25
90 5g2v Volunteer groups high priority areas € 400.000 11/02/25
91 5p2n Foreign Policy Networks: EU-North America € 300.000 12/02/25
92 5F2d Teacher training/education € 300.000 12/02/25
93 5F2u Teacher training on EU topics € 300.000 12/02/25
94 5p2m New innovative study programs € 60.000 13/02/25
95 5a2m High-level transnational master's degrees € 60.000 13/02/25
96 5c2y Concept creation and development € 250 14/02/25
97 5v2a Agroecology performance evaluation € 300.000 17/02/25
98 5s2x XR solution developers € 275.000 18/02/25
99 5a2s Agri-food SME solutions Andalusia € 70.000 19/02/25
100 5p2k AI collaborative projects € 60.000 19/02/25
101 5s2k AI technology exchange € 60.000 19/02/25
102 5c2u Ukrainian technology start-up consultancy € 10.000 20/02/25
103 5a2p Fixed prize hydrogen production auction 20/02/25
104 5a2k Hydrogen production in the maritime sector 20/02/25
105 5q2g Quantum computing EU - Japan € 4.000.000 27/02/25
106 5s2a Support for SME incubator network in Angola € 500.000 27/02/25
107 5s2u Support Ukrainian technology start-ups € 50.000 28/02/25
108 5e2m Improving SME energy efficiency € 10.000 28/02/25
109 5e3F Renewable energy Finland - Estonia € 300.000 04/03/25
110 5c3o NGO cooperation training € 400.000 05/03/25
111 5c3g Youth cooperation partnerships € 400.000 05/03/25
112 5s3e Non-profit sporting events € 200.000 05/03/25
113 5e3v European film festivals € 75.000 11/03/25
114 5v3a Food risk assessment scholarships € 825.000 20/03/25
115 5s3c Exchanges between European citizens € 100.000 27/03/25
116 531m Open call for EEN local nodes € 1.100 31/03/25
117 5m3a Matchmaking production financing € 0 31/03/25
118 5c4e Collaborate for excellence € 15.000.000 10/04/25
119 4u11c Urban transitions (energy, mobility, a) € 200.000 24/04/25
120 5v4a Volunteering to support humanitarian aid 24/04/25
121 5s5m Innovative raw material solutions € 60.000 05/05/25
122 5m5c Master in High Performance Computing € 10.000.000 14/05/25
123 5c5s Sustainable transition consultancy € 0 31/05/25
124 5d6s Support for doctoral students or post-docs 24/06/25
125 5R6e Supplier register for social economy € 6.700 29/06/25
126 5a6v Purchase of green - social transition services € 6.700 29/06/25
127 5s6u Support Ukrainian businesses € 2.500 30/06/25
128 5p7m Preclinical therapy for rare diseases € 150.000 09/07/25
129 5c9a Audiovisual producer capabilities € 310.000 17/09/25
130 5e9c Proof of concept research funded by ERC € 150.000 18/09/25
131 5s1n European Night Research at school 26-27 € 300.000 22/10/25
132 5a12p Private investments in technology companies € 30.000.000 16/12/25
133 6c5g Residency for scientific journalism € 6.000 05/05/26
134 6b6v IA Vilnius Mobility Scholarships € 1.500 30/06/26
135 4m5n Nuclear training mobility € 11.700 31/07/27
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