On January 26, 2021, the GOLEM project was presented to activate the local Green Deal Center and introduce the Green Local Economic Market.

The proposal is one of 89 presented in the Direct European Fund to develop new products and services.

Changing habits to mitigate the climate




development of new ones

products and services

integrated environmental

The project introduces a complex strategy to fix the initial green zero point of the territories involved and the communities activated, creating the reference indices that allow to evaluate the contribution to the green transition and activate the Green Local Economic Market (GOLEM: Green On Local Economic Market ).

In this way it will be possible to guarantee the necessary data flow and temporal continuity, activating the financial resources to support the investments without regret that must be adopted, without subordinating them to obtaining funding, as the projects may not be approved.

The project proposes the activation of local Green Deal centers, with the development of Green On (GO) services to increase the climate adaptation capacity of the territories and favor the possible mitigation measures, implementing the decarbonization paths towards net zero .


clean energy

energy storage

clean produced

battery charger

clean energy

FEDx Partner

Green Deal

Request for participation in the FEDx Green Deal project

FEDx Green Deal membership

The inclusion in the project is subject to the approval by the Lead Partner and to the fulfilments foreseen in the approved project.

informazioni sulla Borsa FEDx Fondi Europei Diretti
informazioni sulla Borsa FEDx Fondi Europei Diretti
informazioni sui finanziamenti europei diretti
come attivare finanziamenti europei diretti
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